TPO Cambodia
Clinic Leaflet in Khmer is detail about our clinic services

Leaflet-Psychoeducation about Chronic Pain-Khmer
TPO Cambodia
In this leaflet educate about sharing pain experience and how to deal with pain.

Leaflet-fear and chronic pain-Khmer
TPO Cambodia
This leaflet explain about fear and chronic pain

Leaflet-Stratergic to deal with chronic pain-khmer
TPO Cambodia
This Leaflet explain more about strategy to reduce with chronic pain

Leaflet-Understanding Chronic Pain-Khmer
TPO Cambodia
With this leaflet you can learn more about chronic pain and why it is necessary to include in treatment techniques.

Leaflet-Thoght and belief-Khmer
TPO Cambodia
Thought and belief cause pain depend on negative or positive thinking of individual.
Understanding Chronic Pain-Thoughts and belief about chronic pain2

Leaflet-Anger management-Khmer
TPO Cambodia
Do relaxation exercise or do any activities to relief anger, change thinking, and learn to deal with anger.

Leaflet-Sleep Problem-Khmer
TPO Cambodia
This leaflet explain tips for sleeping well.

Poster-positive way in dealing with stress-Khmer
TPO Cambodia
Poster-positive way in dealing with stress-Khmer

Poster-Negative way in dealing with stress-Khmer
TPO Cambodia
Poster-Negative way in dealing with stress-Khmer

Poster-Right for living with good mental health-good-health and development-Khmer
TPO Cambodia
Poster-Right for living with good mental health-good-health and development-Khmer

Poster-Human Right & Mental Health-Khmer
TPO Cambodia
Poster-Human Right & Mental Health-Khmer

Poster-Human Right Abuse & Mental Health problem-Khmer
TPO Cambodia
Poster-Human Right Abuse & Mental Health problem-Khmer

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