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Transitional Justice in Cambodia
TPO Cambodia the project Justice and Relief for Khmer Rouge Survivor funded by Civil Peace Service, GIZ have published the articles on Transitional Justice in Cambodia. Transitional Justice more
A Path Way to Mental Health
TPO Cambodia the project Justice and Relief for Khmer Rouge Survivor funded by Civil Peace Service, GIZ have published the articles on A Path Way to more
TPO Khmer New Year Celebration
On 8th April TPO organized an event for all staff to celebrate Khmer New Year. The event start with blessing ceremony, than all staff play tradition games, take group photos and enjoy party in the evening with all staff members with their families. More photos more
International Women Day-#BalanceforBetter #IWD2019
On 6th of March, TPO organized a gathering with all staff at the TPO Phnom Penh office to celebrate the International Women’s Day which is observed on the 8th of March 2019. In the meeting, Dr.Chhim Sotheara, TPO Executive Director expressed that, TPO women staff more
Governance and Professional Practice Certificate-3rd time
In October 2018, TPO Cambodia has again obtained certification of compliance with the Code of Ethical Principles and Minimum Standards for NGOs in Cambodia, known as NGO Governance & Professional Practice (NGO GPP), which is valid for three years from more
16 days campaign to end violence against women and girls
16 days campaign to end violence against women and girls The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence Campaign is an international campaign that began in 1991. From November 25th, the International Day of Elimination of Violence against Women, to December 10th, more
TPO Executive Director mission trip in Japan
TPO Executive Director mission trip in Japan (9-11 November 2018) Dr. Chhim Sotheara has been invited by Japan Association for Trancultural Psychiatry as an invited speaker for the 25th Academic Meeting of Japan Transcultural Psychiatry about “Baksbat and more
UN Day in Support of Survivors of Torture
UN Day in Support of Survivors of Torture On the special occasion of the UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, 26 June of this year, TPO Cambodia has joined to raise awareness to honor torture survivors of the Khmer Rouge regime. TPO’s staff at more
TPO Signed agreement with Sovann Komar/Golden Children on “Mental Health Service”
TPO Signed agreement with Sovann Komar/Golden Children on “Mental Health Service” On 14 June 2018, a signing ceremony on the agreement to provide and receive Mental Health Service has made between TPO Cambodiaand Sovann Komor/Golden Children more