TPO Strategic Plan 2023-2027
TPO Strategic Plan 2023-2027
Download file.TPO Strategic Plan 2023-2027

TPO_GBV under the Khmer Rouge Report – published (2015)
A Study about Victims’ Participation at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia and Gender-Based Violence under the Khmer Rouge Regime.
Download PDF file in English: TPO_GBV under the Khmer Rouge_Report_2015

Like Ghost Changes Body – published (2015)
Download in English: TOP Report EN 150609 Final small size-website

My Testimony – published (2015)
Download in Khmer: TPO My Testimony Khmer 150504 FINAL
Download in English: TPO My Testimony English 150504 FINAL

Victim – Former Khmer Rouge Dialogue – a Pilot Project (2011)
The Victim – Former Khmer Rouge Dialogue Pilot Project, a collaboration project between TPO and the International Center for Conciliation (ICfC), aimed to rebuild and understand the fragmented relationship between victims and their direct perpetrators. While calls have been made for reconciliation from the Cambodian government, victims often wish to receive acknowledgement and an apology from their direct perpetrators. With the fundamental belief that a grassroots participatory approach is necessary to realize these objectives, TPO and ICFC encouraged project participants to define their needs, expectations, and roles within the process to fully engage participants and the surrounding communities in addressing local needs for justice and healing.
Download: Report_Victim-Former Khmer Rouge-Dialogue_TPO_ICFC

The Survivors’ Voices – Report on the Civil Party Participation in the Khmer Rouge Tribunal
From 2008 until 2010, the Berlin Centre for Torture Victims (bzfo) cooperated with TPO Cambodia in a research project on victims’ participation in the Khmer Rouge Tribunal. The study examined how war criminal tribunals can contribute to individual readiness to reconcile and to mental health. For this study, victims of the Pol Pot Regime who applied as Civil Parties to the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia were interviewed. Study participants were interviewed shortly before the beginning of the trial and shortly after the first sentence against Kaing Guek Eav alias “Duch”.
Download in Khmer: bzfo_Cambodia_Report_Khmer_2011
Download in English: bzfo_Cambodia_Report_EN_2010

Joint Cambodian NGO CAT Report 06 10 10 English

The article on A Path Way to Mental Health June 2019 English
TPO Cambodia the project Justice and Relief for Khmer Rouge Survivor funded by Civil Peace Service, GIZ have published the articles on A Path Way to Mental Health
Download file: A Path Way to Mental Health

The article on Transitional Justice in Cambodia June 2019 English
TPO Cambodia the project Justice and Relief for Khmer Rouge Survivor funded by Civil Peace Service, GIZ have published the articles on Transitional Justice in Cambodia.
Download file. Transitional Justice in Cambodia

USAID_Cambodia_TPO_KdK_Evaluation Report_Poluda_Jan 2020 (English)
The Evaluation Report of TPO Cambodia on project Healing and Reconciliation for Victims of Torture of Khmer of Khmer Rouge Trauma funded by USAID
Download file.USAID_Cambodia_TPO_KdK_Evaluation Report_Poluda_Jan 2020

TPO SOT Baseline Study (Final)
Baseline Survey Report of TPO Cambodia on project Healing and Reconciliation for Victims of Torture of Khmer of Khmer Rouge Trauma funded by USAID
Download file.TPO SOT Baseline Study (Final)