On 21 November 2016, TPO’s Therapist started Testimonial Therapy with Five Cham of the Imam San sect, who survived the Khmer Rouge Regime with traumatic losses and lasting pain, in Chan Kiek village, O Roussey commune, Kampong Trolach district, Kampong Chhnang Province. It was for the first time that they would open up and let their community know what the years under this regime meant for them and what they still carry as haunting memory in the present. Each received 6 individual sessions, before a comprehensive summary of their personal testimonial was read aloud during a public ceremony at the village mosque in front of 70 family and community members . The reading was followed by a healing ritual and blessings of their religious leaders. It was a very moving gathering which ended with expressions of overwhelming gratitude and the expressed desire for more psycho-social support in this community. The participants had also great interest in the guided exhibition of TPO which gave some illustration to the narratives of the survivors as well as to the work of TPO in other Cham villages. This activity is part of TPO’s KRT project “Justice and Relief for the Survivors of Khmer Rouge” funded by the Civil Peace Service of German Development Agency in Cambodia (GIZ).

Many people participate in TT ceremony. They like and want the similar event happen again in this community.

TT participant receive blessing from Religious Leader, Emum.

TT Reading in public